1. Loṇagiri. v.l. Lenagiri, Lena-
2. Loṇagiri.– A vihāra in Sri Lanka, near Mahākhīragāma (v.l. Mahāgirigāma). In the Commentaries (AA.ii.653 f; M.A.i.546 f; DA.ii.534 f ) we find two stories about a monk named Tissa, who lived there. Once, five hundred monks, on their way to Nāgadīpa, reached Khīragāma and went into the village for alms, but returned with empty bowls. When Tissa. discovered this, he went into the village, whence he shortly returned with his bowl full of milk-
The other story relates how, when Tissa was still a novice, he went to the Giribhanda festival. There, having heard that the costliest offering was a pair of robes, he openly wished that he should get them. The king heard of this and tried to prevent Tissa from having the robes, but this effort was unsuccessful. The king was amazed, and, on questioning Tissa, the reply was to the same effect as that of the first story.