Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

A series of hells, each one being bound by three world systems (cakkavāḷa). (Cp. Sp.i.120; SNA.ii.443).
Each hell is eight thousand leagues in extent. Beings are born there as a result of heinous crimes, “like those of Coranāga or Corābhaya, both of Tambapaṇṇī-dīpa.” Their bodies are three quarters of a league (three gāvuṭas) in height and with their long nails they cling to the Cakkavāḷapabbata. Sometimes they fall into the world-bearing water (lokasandhāraka-udaka) and are dried up because of its great salinity (AA.ii.532). Elsewhere (NidA.8; SNA.i.59) they are said to suffer from extreme cold. Those holding wrong views are also born there (
According to the Buddhavaṃsa Commentary (BuA., p.26), Lokantara is the hell of the Asurakāyā.