Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

v.l. Kuṇḍitthāna, Kuṇḍikāna, Kuṇhāna.– A forest near the Koliyan village of Kuṇḍiya. (DhA.iv.192 calls it Kuṇḍikoliya, v.l. Kuṇḍikeliya).
It was once the residence of the Yakkha Kuṇḍa, who favoured offerings made to him with kuṇḍadhāna (vessels containing rice-powder?). A woman, who was the head of a village (gāmapatikā), formed a settlement on a spot indicated by the Yakkha and was guarded by him. She thus came to be known as Kuṇḍiyā, and when, later, the Koliyan nobles built a city on the same spot, the city was known as Kuṇḍiya. In the forest tract the Koliyan nobles built a monastery for the Buddha and his monks. It was while the Buddha was dwelling in this monastery that Suppavāsā gave birth to Sīvalī, after prolonged labour pains, which only ceased after she received the Buddha’s blessing (Ud.ii.8; UdA.122; DhA.iv.192 f; J.i.407).