1. Kimatthiya Sutta.– A discussion between Sāriputta and Jambukhādaka at Nālaka.
“What is the purpose of the holy life?”
“The comprehension of suffering.”
“Is there a way thereto?”
“Yes, the Noble Eightfold Way.” S.iv.253.
2. Kimatthiya Sutta.– At Sāvatthi. Some bhikkhus approach the Blessed One and ask him how they should answer if asked by wanderers of other sects, “What is the purpose of the holy life?”
The Buddha tells them to reply that its purpose is the complete destruction of suffering, and if asked of the way thereto, they should say that it is the Noble Eightfold Path. S.v.6.
3. Kimatthiya Sutta.– On the purpose of good actions, how good conduct gradually rears a summit of righteousness, from non-
4. Kimatthiya Sutta.– Same as above. A.v.311 f.