Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Khajjanīya Sutta

The well-taught Noble Disciple, remembering his past lives, realises how, in the past, he has been a prey to the body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness; how he is still their prey, and will be so in the future, too, if he be enamoured of them. Thus realising, he conceives disgust for the body, etc., is repelled by them, and obtains release from them. He thereby attains freedom and becomes aware that he is free. S.iii.86‑91; this sutta is wrongly titled the Sīha Sutta in the Saṃyutta text; see KS.iii.72, n.3.
The sutta was also taught by Mahinda in the Nandana grove on the fifth day of his visit to Sri Lanka (Mhv.xv.195).
In the Vibhaṅga Commentary (VibhA.32) the sutta is referred to as the Khajjanīyapariyāya.