Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
Kesi Sutta

1. Kesi.– A horse-trainer. He came to see the Buddha and became his follower as a result of the interview (A.ii.112 f). For details see Kesi Sutta.

2. Kesi.– Buddhaghosa’s father. He lived in Ghosagāma. v.l. Kesa. Gv.66; Buddhaghosuppatti, p.38; Sās.29.

3. Kesi.– A noble steed belonging to Ekarāja (

4. Kesi.– See Kesava.

Kesi Vagga.– The twelfth chapter of the Catukkanipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya (A.ii.112‑21). The first sutta is that of Kesi, the horse-trainer, and most of the suttas deal with the idea of “training.” The Commentary calls it the Kosiya Vagga.

Kesi Sutta.– The horse-trainer Kesi visits the Buddha, and in reply to a question says that he trains some horses by mildness, some by harshness, and others by both; those which do not submit to his training he kills. The Buddha says that just so does he deal with men. Some he tames by mildness — telling them what is good and showing them the way to heaven; others by harshness — condemning the evils in them; yet others by both. Those who do not submit to this discipline he kills.
When Kesi is shocked by this revelation, the Buddha explains that it is death in the Noble One’s discipline if the Tathāgata and his knowledgeable companions in the Holy Life regard him as not worth admonishing (A.ii.112 f).
Buddhaghosa says (Sp.i.120) that the Kesi Sutta should be one of those used to explain the term “charioteer of trainable men” (purisadamma-sārathī) in reference to the Buddha.