Daughter of Kāṇamātā. After she married she visited her mother, and one day, while she was there, her husband sent for her. Her mother, not wishing her to return empty-
The king saw the Buddha returning from Kāṇā’s home and, on learning what had happened, sent for her, adopted her as his daughter, and arranged for her marriage with a rich nobleman. Thenceforward Kāṇā’s generosity to the monks became proverbial. Vin.iv.78 f; DhA.ii.149 ff; the Samantapāsādikā (iv.819) gives a somewhat different account; there, when Kāṇā’s husband heard that the Buddha had been to see her, he sent for her and she returned.
It was on Kāṇā’s account that the Babbu Jātaka (q.v.) (J.i.477 f) was taught. Kāṇā is identified with the mouse of the story.
She was called Kāṇā because she was so beautiful that those who saw her became blind with passion for her (ye ye taṃ passanti, te te rāgena kāṇā honti) (Sp. loc cit. VA.iv.819)
Both Kāṇā and her mother are mentioned among those who kept the eightfold fast. A.iv.349; AA.ii.791.