1. Kāḷaka.– A millionaire (seṭṭhi) of Sāketa. His son was the husband of Cūḷa-
AA.ii.482 f; but see DhA.iii.465 f, where the millionaire’s name is given as Ugga of Uggapura; see also Dvy.402, where the name of the city is Puṇḍavardhana and that of Anāthapiṇḍika’s daughter Sumāgadhā.
2. Kāḷaka.– A general (senāpati) of King Yasapāṇi of Bārāṇasī, a previous birth of Devadatta. The story is given in the Dhammaddhaja Jātaka. J.ii.186 ff.
3. Kāḷaka.– See Ayya-
4. Kāḷaka.– See A.v.164, Sutta No.lxxxvii. Is Kāḷaka here a proper name or a generic name (Kāḷaka-
I am inclined to take it as the latter. See Kāḷaka Sutta.