Page last updated on 8 October, 2020

Commander-in-chief of Porisāda, the man-eating king, mentioned in the Mahāsutasoma Jātaka. When Kāḷahatthi discovered the king’s wickedness, he persuaded him to leave the city, and gave over the sovereignty to the king’s son. Some time later, when Sutasoma had cured Porisāda of his cannibalistic tendencies, Kāḷahatthi agreed to restore him to the throne (J.v.460‑70; 508 ff).
Kāḷahatthi is identified with Sāriputta (J.v.511). In several places (e.g., J.v.461, 465, 468) he is addressed as Kāḷa. Porisāda is identified with Aṅgulimāla.