Dictionary of Pāli Proper Names • G.P. Malalasekera
Page last updated on 8 October, 2020
A mountain, slightly over two leagues to the south-east of Anurādhapura. At the foot was a bamboo-grove in which grew three bamboo-stems, each being a wagon-pole in girth — known as latāyaṭṭhi, kusumayaṭṭhi, and sakunayaṭṭhi — because of Devānampiyatissa’s good fortune (Mhv.xi.10; Dpv.xi.15, 19; Sp.i.74. For an explanation of these yaṭṭhi see IHQ.vi.571 ff). Saddhātissa afterwards built a vihāra there, called the Chātavihāra (MT.300). The Aṅguttaranikāya Commentary (AA.i.15) has a reference to a novice dwelling in Chātapabbata who came to grief after hearing a woman’s voice.