1. Chaddanta.– A forest in Himavā. In the forest was the Mandākinī Lake, on the banks of which Aññāta-
2. Chaddanta.– A lake, one of the seven great lakes of the Himavā (A.iv.101; AA.ii.759). It was fifty leagues long and fifty broad. In the middle of the lake, for a space of twelve leagues, the water was like a jewel and no weeds grew there. Around this space were seven girdles of lilies, each girdle of a different hue and each a league in extent. Round the lake were seven ranges of mountains — Cullakāla, Mahākāla, Udaka, Candapassa, Suriyapassa, Manipassa and Suvaṇṇapassa, the last range being seven leagues in height and of a golden hue on the side overlooking the lake. On the west side of the lake was the Kañcanaguhā, twelve leagues in extent, where the elephant-
3. Chaddanta.– A clan of elephants, of which clan the Bodhisatta was once born as king (see No.4). The Chaddantas and the Uposathas are the two highest classes of elephant (DhA.iii.248). The Chaddantakula sometimes provides the Elephant Treasure (hatthiratana) for a Cakkavatti, in which case it is the youngest of the clan who so functions (KhpA.172). Of the ten tribes of elephants enumerated in the books (e.g., UdA.403; VibhA.397) the Chaddanta is classed as the highest, and the Buddha possesses the strength of ten Chaddanta-
4. Chaddanta.– The Bodhisatta, born as king of the elephants of the Chaddanta clan, eight thousand in number. His body was pure white, with red face and feet, and seven parts of his body touched the ground. He lived in the Kañcanaguhā on the banks of the Chaddanta Lake, his chief queens being Cūḷasubhaddā and Mahāsubhaddā. Owing to the preference shown to Mahāsubhaddā by Chaddanta, Cūḷasubhaddā conceived a grudge against him, and one day, when Chaddanta was entertaining five hundred Pacceka Buddhas, she offered them wild fruits and made a certain wish. As a result she was reborn in the Madda king’s family and was named Subhaddā. Later she became chief consort of the king of Bārāṇasī. Remembering her ancient grudge, she schemed to have Chaddanta’s tusks cut off. All the hunters were summoned by the king, and Soṇuttara was chosen for the task. It took him seven years, seven months and seven days to reach Chaddanta’s dwelling-
Chaddanta is mentioned as one of the births in which the Bodhisatta practised the perfection of virtue (sīla-
See also Chaddanta Jātaka.