1. Cara, Caraka.– One of the successors of Mahāsammata and a member of the Sakyan clan. He had a son named Apacara. Mhv.ii.2; Dpv.iii.5; DA.i.258; J.iii.454; SnA.i.352.
2. Cara.– A yakkha chieftain to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in times of need. D.iii.205; the P.T.S. edition calls him Mānicara as does the PTS edition of the commentary (D.iii.970); but the Sinhalese edition, both text and commentary, divides this name into two thus: Māṇi and Cara.
Cara Vagga.– The second chapter of the Catukka Nipāta of the Aṅguttaranikāya. A.ii.13 ff
Cara Sutta.– In every posture one must strive ardently and scrupulously against lustful, malevolent and injuring thoughts. A.ii.13; found also in Itivuttaka, 115.