1. Candimā, Candimasa, Canda.– The name of the devaputta whose abode (vimāna) is the moon (Canda), sometimes also called Candima. The moon is forty-
Candimā is also included among the Cātummahārājika devas because he lives in their world (e.g., Mahāniddesa Cty. 108). There are other devas besides Canda who dwell in the moon (D.ii.269).
According to the Biḷārikosiya Jātaka (J.iv.63, 69), Sāriputta, having once given alms, was born as Canda, while in the Sudhābhojana Jātaka (J.v.382, 412) it is Mahā-
It is said that once, when Candimā was seized by Rāhu Asurinda, he invoked the Buddha in a verse and the Buddha asked Rāhu to set him at liberty, which request was granted (S.i.50). The deva Candimasa who is mentioned (S.i.51) as visiting the Buddha is probably identical with Candimā. The moon was worshipped when children were desired (e.g., J.iv.1).
The Sasapaṇḍita Jātaka gives details of the story of how, as a result of the Bodhisatta’s sacrifice when born as a hare, Sakka painted the figure of a hare on the moon, which sign will be seen throughout this world-
2. Candimā.– One of the descendants of Okkāka. Mhv.ii.13; Dpv.iii.42.