1. Candavatī.– Wife of Assalāyana and mother of Mahā-
2. Candavatī.– The city wherein, at the Silārāma, Sujāta Buddha died. BuA.171.
3. Candavatī.– The birthplace of Anomadassī Buddha (J.i.36; Bu.viii.17; DhA.i.88; AA.i.85; see also Ap.i.76). There Koṇḍañña Buddha spent his first Rains Retreat (vassa) (BuA.110). It existed also in the time of Sumedha Buddha (Ap.ii.422). It was the capital of King Vijitāvī (BuA.111).
4. Candavatī.– Daughter of Brahmadatta, king of Bārāṇasī. The king offered her to Lomasa-