King of Sri Lanka for twenty-
A medical work, the Sāratthasaṅgaha, in Sanskrit, is ascribed to him (but see Cv. Trs. 13, n. 7). It is said that he appointed a royal physician for every ten villages, and established hospitals for the crippled and for the dumb and also for animals. He appointed teachers to look after the people’s spiritual welfare.
Among religious buildings erected by him was the Mayūra-
Buddhadāsa had eighty sons, named after the Buddha’s eminent disciples, the eldest being Upatissa I who succeeded him. Cv.xxxvii.105 ff.
2. Buddhadāsa.– A pious man of Tuṇḍagāma. He drove away a yakkha who had taken possession of a friend of his. Ras.i.46 f.