When the Buddha, at Jetavana, laid down the rule that monks should eat one meal a day and that in the morning, Bhaddāli protested and refused to keep this rule because he said that, in so eating, he would be a prey to scruples and misgivings. For three months he avoided the Buddha, until, just before the Buddha was starting on a journey, Bhaddāli, acting on the advice of his fellow monks, confessed his fault to the Buddha and begged for forgiveness (M.i.437 ff). The Buddha praised this action and taught him the Bhaddāli Sutta (q.v.)
It is said (MA.ii.648) that, in a previous birth, Bhaddāli had been a crow, therefore in this life he was always hungry and was known among his fellows as the Great Eater (Mahāchātaka).
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