1. Dīghāyu (Dīghāvu).– Son of Dīghīti, king of Kosala. After his parents had been cruelly murdered by Brahmadatta, king of Kāsi, he became the attendant of this king; in order to avenge their death, but when the occasion arose, he made peace with Brahmadatta. His father’s kingdom was restored to him, and he married Brahmadatta’s daughter (Vin.i.343 ff; DhA.i.46 f; J.iii.211 f, 487). He was the Bodhisatta (J.iii.490).
2. Dīghāyu.– See Āyuvaḍḍhana Kumāra.
3. Dīghāyu.– A Sakyan prince, grandson of Amitodana and brother of Bhaddakaccānā. He went to Sri Lanka and there founded a settlement which he named after himself. His son was Dīghagāmaṇī. Mhv.ix.10 f; 18; Dpv.x.6, 8.