Ratana Suttaṃ 
The Discourse on Precious Jewels 
Paṇidhanato paṭṭhāya Tathāgatassa dasa pāramiyo, Dasa upapāramiyo dasa paramattha pāramiyo ‘ti, Samattiṃsa pāramiyo pañca mahāpariccāge — Lokatthacariyaṃ ñātatthacariyaṃ buddhatthacariyanti tisso cariyāyo — pacchimabhave gabbhavakkantiṃ Jātiṃ abhinikkhamanaṃ padhānacariyaṃ bodhipallaṅke Māravijayaṃ, sabbaññutaññāṇap- paṭivedhaṃ Dhammacakkappavattanaṃ nava lokuttaradhammeti, sabbepi me buddhaguṇe āvajjetvā, Vesāliyā tīsu pākārantaresu, tiyāmarattiṃ parittaṃ karonto Āyasmā Ānandatthero viya |
Paṇidhanato paṭṭhāya Tathāgatassa dasa pāramiyo, Dasa upapāramiyo dasa paramattha pāramiyo ‘ti, Samattiṃsa pāramiyo pañca mahāpariccāge — Lokatthacariyaṃ ñātatthacariyaṃ buddhatthacariyanti tisso cariyāyo — pacchimabhave gabbhavakkantiṃ Jātiṃ abhinikkhamanaṃ padhānacariyaṃ bodhipallaṅke Māravijayaṃ, sabbaññutaññāṇap- paṭivedhaṃ Dhammacakkappavattanaṃ nava lokuttaradhammeti, sabbepi me buddhaguṇe āvajjetvā, Vesāliyā tīsu pākārantaresu, tiyāmarattiṃ parittaṃ karonto Āyasmā Ānandatthero viya
Kāruññācittaṃ upaṭṭhapetvā — Koṭisatasahassesu, cakkavāḷesu devatā, Yassā ‘ṇaṃ paṭiggaṇhanti, yañca Vesāliyā pure. Rogā-manussa-dubbhikkha-sambhūtaṃ tividhaṃ bhayaṃ, Khippa ‘mantaradhāpesi, parittaṃ taṃ bhaṇāma he.
Having established such a sympathetic mind (as Venerable Ānanda did) — the glory of which had been accepted by the deities who have assembled in the hundred-thousand crores of universes, and in the city of Vesāli by the power of which the three types of disasters that broke out, viz. due to epidemics, non-human beings, and famine, were also eradicated promptly. Let us recite this discourse of protection.
1. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni antalikkhe Sabbeva bhūtā sumanā bhavantu, Athopi sakkacca suṇantu bhāsitaṃ.
Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, let all such beings be happy; and let them attentively listen to what is said.
2. Tasmā hi bhūtā nisāmetha sabbe, Mettaṃ karotha mānusiyā pajāya Divā ca ratto ca haranti ye baliṃ, Tasmā hi ne rakkhatha appamattā.
Therefore, O beings, do you all pay attention; diffuse loving-kindness towards mankind who day and night bring offerings to you. Protect them, therefore, with earnestness.
3. Yaṃ kiñci vittaṃ idha vā huraṃ vā, Saggesu vā yaṃ ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ Na no samaṃ atthi Tathāgatena, Idampi buddhe ratanaṃ paṇitaṃ Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Whatever treasure there is here or in the other world, or whatever precious jewel is in the heavenly worlds, yet there is none comparable with the Tathāgata. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace!
4. Khayaṃ virāgaṃ amataṃ paṇītaṃ, Yadajjhagā Sakyamunī samāhito Na tena dhammena samatthi kiñci, Idampi dhamme ratanaṃ paṇitaṃ Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
The tranquil sage of the Sakyas, realised that cessation which is passionless, immortal and excellent. There is nothing equal to that state. This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace!
5. Yaṃ Buddha seṭṭho parivaṇṇayī suciṃ, Samādhimānantarikaññamāhu Samādhinā tena samo na vijjati, Idampi dhamme ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
The supreme Buddha praised pure meditation which gives instantaneous results. There is nothing equal to that meditation. This precious jewel is in the Dhamma. By this truth may there be peace!
6. Ye puggalā aṭṭha sataṃ pasatthā, Cattāri etāni yugāni honti Te dakkhiṇeyyā sugatassa sāvakā, Etesu dinnāni mahapphalāni Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Eight individuals are praised by good people. They constitute the four pairs. They are the disciples of the Buddha, worthy of offerings. Whatever is offered to them yields abundant fruit. This precious jewel, is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
7. Ye suppayuttā manasā daḷhena, Nikkāmino Gotamasāsanamhi Te pattipattā amataṃ vigayha, Laddhā mudhā nibbutiṃ bhuñjamānā Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Those who are freed from desires are well established in the teaching of Gotama with firm mind. They have attained to that which should be attained, having plunged into immortal nibbāna. They enjoy the Peace obtained without price. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
8. Yathindakhīlo paṭhavi sito siyā, Catubbhi vāthehi asampakampiyo Tathūpamaṃ sappurisaṃ vadāmi, Yo ariyasaccāni avecca passati Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Just as a city gate post fixed in the earth is not shaken by the winds from the four directions, even so, do I declare to be a good man he who thoroughly perceives the noble truths. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
9. Ye ariyasaccāni vibhāvayanti, Gambhīrapaññena sudesitāni Kiñcāpi te honti bhusappamattā, Na te bhavaṃ aṭṭhamaṃ ādiyanti Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Those who comprehend clearly the noble truths well taught by him who is endowed with profound wisdom, however exceedingly heedless they may be, do not take birth for the eighth time. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
10. Sahāva ’ssa dassanasampadāya, Tayassu dhammā jahitā bhavanti Sakkāyadiṭṭhi vicikicchitañca, Sīlabbataṃ vāpi yadatthi kiñci. Catūh’ apāyehi ca vippamutto, Chaccābhiṭhānāni abhabbo kātuṃ Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Three conditions are forsaken by him at the instant of acquisition of Insight, namely: (i) self-delusion, (ii) uncertainty, and (iii) the indulgence in rites and ceremonies should there be any. He is also absolutely freed from the four states of misery and is incapable of committing the six crimes. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
11. Kiñca pi so kammaṃ karoti pāpakaṃ, Kāyena vācā uda cetasā vā Abhabbo so tassa paṭicchādāya, Ababbatā diṭṭhapadassa vuttā Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
Whatever evil deed he commits, either by his body, speech or thought, he is incapable of concealing it. For it has been said that such an act is impossible for one who has seen the Path. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
12. Vanappagumbe yathā phussitagge, Gimhānamāse paṭhamasmiṃ gimhe Tathūpamaṃ dhammavaraṃ adesayī, Nibbānagāmiṃ paramaṃ hitāya Idampi buddhe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
As a clump of trees whose tops are blossoming during the first heat of the summer months, so the sublime doctrine leading to nibbāna was taught for the highest goal. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace!
13. Varo varaññū varado varāharo, Anuttaro dhammavaraṃ adesayī Idampi buddhe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
The excellent one, the knower of the excellent, the giver of the excellent and bringer of excellence has expounded the excellent doctrine. This precious jewel is in the Buddha. By this truth may there be peace!
14. Khīnaṃ purāṇaṃ navaṃ natthi sambhavaṃ, Virattacittā āyatike bhavasmiṃ Te khīṇabījā aviruḷhicchandā, Nibbanti dhīrā yathāyaṃ padīpo Idampi saṅghe ratanaṃ paṇītaṃ, Etena saccena suvatthi hotu!
With the old (kamma) extinct, nothing new (kamma) to be reproduced, the mind detached from future birth — they have destroyed the seeds of existence. Their desires do not spring up again and those wise ones go out even as this lamp. This precious jewel is in the Saṅgha. By this truth may there be peace!
15. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe Tathāgataṃ devamanussapūjitaṃ, Buddhaṃ namassāma suvatthi hotu!
Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, The Tathāgata is honoured by gods and men. Let us salute the Buddha. May there be peace!
16. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe Tathāgataṃ devamanussapūjitaṃ, Dhammaṃ namassāma suvatthi hotu!
Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, The Tathāgata is honoured by gods and men. Let us salute the Dhamma. May there be peace!
17. Yānīdha bhūtāni samāgatāni, Bhummāni vā yāni va antalikkhe Tathāgataṃ devamanussapūjitaṃ, Saṅghaṃ namassāma suvatthi hotu!
Whatever beings are assembled here, whether terrestrial or celestial, The Tathāgata is honoured by gods and men. Let us salute the Saṅgha. May there be peace!
Ratanasuttaṃ ārocaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu
Ratanasuttaṃ maṅgalaṭṭhaya vo rakkhatu
Ratanasuttaṃ Niṭṭhitaṃ
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