Abhabba Suttaṃ
The Possible and the Impossible
62. “Monks, without having abandoned these nine states it impossible to realise Arahantship. What nine? Lust (rāgaṃ), ill-will (dosaṃ),¹ delusion (mohaṃ), anger (kodhaṃ), malice (upanāhaṃ),² ingratitude (makkhaṃ), arrogance (paḷāsaṃ), envy (issaṃ), and meanness (macchariyaṃ). Without having abandoned these nine states, monks, it is impossible to realise Arahantship.
“Monks, having abandoned these nine states it is possible to realise Arahantship. What nine? Lust, ill-will, delusion, anger, malice, ingratitude, arrogance, envy, and meanness. Having abandoned these nine states, monks, it is possible to realise Arahantship.
1. Bhikkhu Bodhi translates “dosa” as hatred.
2. Bhikkhu Bodhi translates “upahāna” as hostility. Please refer to the Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw’s Discourse on the Sallekha Sutta for a description of anger (kodha), malice, ingratitude, arrogance, envy, and meanness.