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Duccaritavipāka Suttaṃ


The Results of Misconduct

40. “The killing of living beings, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of killing living beings, on becoming a human being is a short life-span (appāyuka).

“Taking what is not given, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of taking what is not given, on becoming a human being is loss of one’s property (bhogabyasana).

“Sexual misconduct, monks, when practised, developed and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of sexual misconduct, on becoming a human being is rivalry (sapatta) and enmity (vera).

“Telling lies, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of telling lies, on becoming a human being is to face false accusations (abhūtabbhakkhāna).

“Divisive speech, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of divisive speech, on becoming a human being is the breaking up of friendships (mittehi bhedana).

“Abusive speech, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of abusive speech, on becoming a human being is disagreeable sounds (amanāpasadda).¹

“Idle chatter, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of idle-chatter, on becoming a human being is not being believed by others (anādeyyavācā).

“Drinking intoxicants, monks, when practised, developed, and made much of, leads to hell, to the animal womb, or to the realm of hungry ghosts. The least result of drinking intoxicants, on becoming a human being is madness (ummattaka).


1. The Commentary elaborates: Whatever speech is piercing like thorns (kaṇṭakā), rough (kakkasā), bitter (kaṭukā), abusive (abhisajjanī), violent (mammacchedikā), wherever he goes (gatagataṭṭhāne) only that (tameva) he hears (suṇāti), sounds that are called (nāma) pleasing to hear (manāpasaddasavanaṃ) he does not get (na labhati).